5 logo designing fundamentals graphic designers won’t talk about

Logo design is a skill that anyone can learn. I truly believe that. I’m not formally trained in a fancy school.

Instead, I rely on other fundamentals to grow as a designer. Fundamentals that are way more important than having a couple of years in a school.

I might be treading into deep waters here, but hey, I’m in for a ride.

Are you?

1. Digging past obvious design

Think of a coffee shop. What does the logo look like?

Let me guess. Either a coffee cup or a coffee bean? That’s the first idea most people get. Me included.

It’s predictable. It’s the most common association, but it’s also a kinda boring logo. Sorry.

Instead, spend some time digging past the obvious.

Here are some different associations that I got:

  • Barista (mascot)

  • Black Ooze

  • Espresso machine

  • Energetic

  • Comfy chairs and books

I’m not saying that the right logos are in there, but I literally spent 1 more minute thinking past the cup or bean. A world of difference

2. Practice makes perfect different

Perfect doesn’t exist. It’s a subjective matter, unique to every person. My perfect is different than yours.

That’s why you shouldn’t chase perfect. You should chase different.

Different is tangible. You can easily spot a black sheep amidst a sea of white ones. Just like you can easily spot a vibrant green and bubbly logo in a sea of navy blue ones.

Don’t do better, do different.

3. Do it

One thing about logo design, that a book can’t teach you, is actually doing it.

Stop reading, stop contemplating. Do it instead. Open up Illustrator and start creating. Do it often.

You’ll learn faster than any book.

Functional knowledge eats design books for breakfast.

4. Learn the rules and break them

Ok, functional knowledge is great, but I’ll admit. Learning the ropes have advantages.

When you learn the fundamental rules of design, like typography, how to use a grid, and color theory, you’ve got something to work from.

You’ve learned the ropes, which makes new learnings easier and faster. That’s great.

Now it’s time to break the rules. Rules are meant to be broken. It’s hard to make something truly original by strictly following the rules.

If you want to make something, no one has seen before, you need to do something no one has done.

5. Stop overthinking — have fun

There are so many rules, tips, and hacks out there, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by other designers’ skills and proficiency. I get that. I get overwhelmed sometimes too.

But after being overwhelmed, i remind myself, that no one other than me can get the ideas that i do.

My perspective is unique.

And that’s enough. Might as well have some fun then.



3 tegn på du har brug for et nyt logo (og hvorfor du skal tage det alvorligt)